When introduced to a new design, there are many factors taken into consideration before approaching the actual project. Much like a gear, each piece of a design is a cog in the “machine,” working independently to then make the entire piece work together as a whole. If a cog, or part of the design does not work, the entire piece will not mesh therefore not providing the results necessary. This illustrates how small but important each element of the design process is to the outcome of a project.

Creating pieces that are aligned with the message and target audience is a critical factor when developing your visuals. To develop these pieces, these important steps are taken into consideration first and foremost:

• Initial consultation
• Client collaboration
• Determining best approach – what is actually needed
• Brand guidelines – logo, colors, fonts
• Messaging
• Target audience
• Desired outcome

Whether it’s a collateral piece updating shareholders, a donor calendar that presents breathless imagery inspiring one to give, or an email campaign advertising an innovative product, each piece is well thought out throughout each step of the design process.